The North Shore Unitarians formed the Seniors’ Taxi Club program in 2022 with funds provided by a Canadian Government Grant under its New Horizons for Seniors program. A second grant application has now been approved (Jan. 2025). The grant will enable the Taxi Club program to continue for at least another year.
By providing free taxi rides, the program helps seniors who either cannot drive or simply feel uncomfortable driving continue to attend NSU services and events.
Sign up for this program by filling out this form:
How it Works
1. Seniors can sign up for our Seniors Taxi Club by reading and filling out this form, signing below, and returning this form to the NSUC Church Office.
2. “Riders” (people who have signed up for this program) can get rides to and from church services and events using a taxi service, Uber, or Lyft. The rides will be paid for by NSUC, either directly (by having the rider use our account with North Shore Taxi, Uber, or Lyft) or by reimbursement after the rider has paid out-of-pocket.
3. To each senior who signs up for this program, the Church Administrator will issue a card that includes instructions, the phone number for North Shore Taxi, and the church’s account number.
4. To be reimbursed for eligible out-of-pocket Taxi expenses, Riders can submit their receipts to the Church Office along with a note indicating their name. (To be eligible for reimbursement: the ride must be for a senior’s transportation to/from a church service or event sponsored by NSUC).
By filling out the form below, the Rider agrees to the above:
The Seniors’ Taxi Club Program is overseen by a Board-appointed volunteer and NSUC’s Church Administrator.