Donating a FundFest Item

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Thank you for your interest in donating an item to our FundFest fundraiser!  

Please fill out the information below to tell us about the item you are donating.  (You may fill this form out more than once if you are donating multiple items).  
Please select one option.
EVENTS: If you're offering an event, please fill out this section

Please select one option.
OBJECT: If you are donating an object, please fill out this section

SERVICE: If you are donating a service, please tell us more about it here

Thank you for your donation!

Please click the SUBMIT button below to complete your donation. 

You may return to this form as many times as needed, to donate additional items.  

Thank you for donating to our FundFest fundraiser!  

(You will receive an end-of-year tax receipt for the amount of money your donations bring into the church).  


Please fill out this form and click submit.